Tuna Noodle Casserole

I have gone my whole life not even thinking twice about making a tuna casserole, and I'm pretty sure I have never eaten one either, but for some reason last week I had the most intense craving for it. Weird? yes, but I'll blame the isolation. I don't typically like canned tuna, but I found … Continue reading Tuna Noodle Casserole

Cast Iron Fritatta

I'd like to say I make fritattas on the reg because it sounds fancy and is fun to say, but the truth is I usually settle for a scramble because the one extra step is too much too soon in the AM. This recipe is very simple and you can customize it however you like, … Continue reading Cast Iron Fritatta

Ahi-Avo Jicama Salad

I'll go days, weeks sometimes without writing, and jusssst when I find myself needing to accomplish something time sensitive, I wind up redirecting my time and efforts towards something completely non-urgent and down right random. Anyone else have those moments? Go to the gym? No, I think I'll stay home and re-organize my file cabinets, … Continue reading Ahi-Avo Jicama Salad