Workaway #4: Ostuni, Yoga Retreat, & More!

Our Italian travels are coming to a close! We’ve spent eight magical weeks in Italy and I feel bittersweet about the thought of leaving. It’s safe to say if we weren’t restricted to 90 days in Europe we would be here for a lot longer exploring other regions in Italy. Oh well, I guess this … Continue reading Workaway #4: Ostuni, Yoga Retreat, & More!

Workaway #3: A month in Brindisi, Puglia

I’ve been saying in past posts that we were staying/working in Brindisi but the truth is our hosts aren’t IN a city at all, and Brindisi is about 30 minutes away. Brindisi is just the closest big city, and a whole lot easier than explaining what part of the country we were in. Only recently … Continue reading Workaway #3: A month in Brindisi, Puglia

Sunday Market Finds: Brindisi

The cuisine in Puglia is called peasant cooking (cucina povera). The staples are olive oil, grapes, tomatoes, eggplants, artichokes, peppers, salami, mushrooms, olives and fresh seafood. We have had some amazing food and wine, not having eaten out, but from meals cooked using the ingredients from the markets. Some may find it inconvenient that if … Continue reading Sunday Market Finds: Brindisi