Just Curry

I don’t have a fancy name for this one, since I like to use the curry base and switch up the additives each time. This version I used chicken and veggies, but that can change depending on what I’m craving, or more likely whatever is on its’ last few days in the fridge. As long as you have a few staple ingredients on hand, this is super easy to make and lasts me a few days.

I eat this more like a soup (because I love soup more than anything, not exaggerating), so this recipe doesn’t have any thickeners, but I’m working on a recipe that will be a bit thicker for when I put it over cauliflower rice.



Just Curry

  • Servings: 4
  • Difficulty: Medium
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  • 1/2 Onion, diced
  • 2 medium carrots, sliced into 1/4 in.thick rounds
  • 2 small zucchini, sliced into 1/4 in. thick rounds
  • 2 cups broccoli florets
  • 1 cup crimini mushrooms, sliced
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • about 1 pound chicken tenderloins, chopped into bite sized pieces
  • 1 can full fat coconut milk
  • 1/2-1 cup chicken or vegetable broth
  • 1/2 cup cilantro, chopped, plus a few leaves for garnish


  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 2-3 teaspoons curry powder
  • 1-2 teaspoons chili powder
  • 2 teaspoons fresh ginger, grated
  • Salt and Pepper TT
  • 3/4-1 tsp Xanthan Gum (optional to thicken at the end)
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil for sauteing chicken and veggies


Add coconut oil to pot (I use a dutch oven) on medium-high heat, add onions, chicken (season with salt and pepper!), saute until browned, about 3 minutes. Remove chicken from pan, does not need to/probably won’t be fully cooked- set aside. Add all the veggies and saute 5 or so minutes, browning and getting them softened. Return chicken to the pan and add garlic, ginger, and all dry spices. Stir about 1 minute, cooking the garlic and coating all the veggies and chicken in the spice mixture.




Add coconut milk and vegetable broth. I determine how much broth to add based on what it looks like after adding the coconut milk. You don’t necessarily need to submerge everything in the pot in liquid but you want enough to make it saucy. I added about a cup because I wanted it a bit soupier. Simmer for about 5-7 minutes, until chicken is cooked and veggies are tender. Taste it! Not spicy enough? Add more chili powder. Stir in chopped cilantro when done.




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