Three Days on Korcula

*pronounced core-chew-lah. I don’t have the Croatian alphabet on my blog so if the word doesn’t sound like it looks I’ll add the pronunciation.

The water looked like this while we were on Korcula:


Sad, very sad, windy, and cold. Even still, I think this will be one of my favorite stops on our trip because it was just that beautiful of a town. We didn’t do anything, literally nothing but eat and watch movies and drink wine for three days, and I still loved it. It’s definitely has to be nice weather to do anything on this island because it is really small and the only things to do beside visit the Marco Polo museum are be outdoors and in the water.

Our hosts through Air B&B were the sweetest people, the wife gave us a big chocolate bar upon arrival and apologized profusely about the weather (as if it was their fault). The room had a lovely sea view and it was in the heart of the Old town.


Since the main thing we did was eat, we tried a few different restaurants (and ice cream shops ;)) and I was surprised with how good the food was. We haven’t had that great of luck with Dalmatian cuisine since arriving but that is quickly turning around. I’ve read many articles online doing research about Croatia on how it is supposedly so expensive compared to countries using the Euro. It isn’t, at all. Your mind plays tricks on you paying in Kunas but it is really affordable not only compared to other European countries we visited but compared to prices at home. That’s everything from clothing to groceries to cocktails and dining out, it’s not that expensive, it’s below average.

One night we went out to fish n’chips and I wish I had a picture of it. I always do this, leave my camera at home and regret it, I mean we were just going out to eat why would I need my camera? Well, because this was probably the nicest plating of fish n’chips you’ve ever seen, that’s why. They were served on a long wood plank, and it was fun to eat.

We also went to a gelato shop (twice) called Kiwi. I was obsessed with their Black Chocolate flavor. So rich, so creamy, but not too sweet.

The old town was neat, the photos don’t do it justice at all. I think I liked Korcula the most because the boutiques in the old town weren’t all touristy souvenir shops. There were actually a lot of nice clothing boutiques and unique jewelry shops as well as specialty domestic goods shops. It lacked the commercialized feel of Dubrovnik, which was a beautiful thing.

Oldest Church on Korcula

I definitely need to revisit Korcula under different circumstances to get the full effect, but the taste I got so far was amazing!

Our last Morning, waiting for the ferry to Hvar

Our last Morning, waiting for the ferry to Hvar

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